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Image by Matthieu Comoy

SBCA Prayer Warriors   

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Catholic Priest
Image by Sergio Mena Ferreira

As SBCA Prayer Warriors, We are part of the Healing ad Deliverance Ministry. We should condition ourselves in combating Satan and his legions in our daily lives.

We ask through Prayer and Intercession the overwhelming, Love and trust of the Most Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The sign of the Cross is a powerful symbol of the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient Most Holy Trinity as part of the Apostles Creed. May we use it everyday. The sign of the Cross and 33 Apostles Creed, 12 Our Father, 12 Hail Mary, 12 Glory Be, 12 Hail Holy Queen, 12 The Memorare, 12 Come, Holy Spirit, 12 Prayer of St. Francis, 12 Prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola, plus your Beloved Saints  particularly the Titles of Mary, and husband St. Joseph the Worker , St. Benedict of Nursia,  OSB, St. Francis of Assisi,  St. John Bosco, St. George of Lydda,  St. Padre Pio,  St. Vincent Ferrer and Blessed Carlo Acutis, at midnight which will nourish our spiritual being. Let us encourage and discover our spiritual gifts and great commission of God. Together we are a Mighty Spiritual Army that battles Satan and his demonic forces on a daily basis. The Bible promises we will triumph over the forces of evil.

You are willing to, “Trust in Him with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways. And He will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and turn away from evil…” Proverbs 3:5-7

Our goal is to be part of a Mighty Army of Catholic Prayer Warriors. We strive to become the elite special forces who do battle behind the enemy lines. We are the spiritual foot soldiers who follow our Lord Jesus Christ, his disciples and apostles who are close to Him especially  Mama Mary, our Blessed Mother, all the angels, especially our Guardian Archangels The Mighty Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael the Archangels, the Saints, Pope Francis, the Order of Bishops and the clergy in the daily supernatural battle against the demonic forces seeking to destroy our world.

Satan and his demons work day and night to corrupt every soul. They tempt you to rebel against God and His laws.

So before we become Fruitful Prayer Warrior and Healing Ministry We need to ask for forgiveness of our mortal and venial sins and cleanse ourselves before we can minister to the sick, possess and drive away the legion of Satan.

So as part of the formation we need to become a Catholic Prayer Warrior, let us pray for the Protection of our lives, family and our local community especially our local magisterium.

Religiously, go  to confession and communion frequently. to attend Mass on a regular basis or if you are working at least one mass on a weekday and Sunday mass of obligation. If you have time always visit the Blessed Sacrament in your Parish. We also recommend to have at least 3 pilgrimage in the Philippines or. Abroad, in a year as part of your spiritual vacation and please seek a spiritual confessor  or adviser, if you don't have.

Pray for us O Mighty Holy Trinity, 24 Elders, Seraphim, Cherubim's, Thrones, Dominions Archangels the Saints and Servants of God in heaven.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen

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